Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Motivations and realities. Journal of studies in international Educati

Question: Responsibilities of nurse educators to meet the standards of regulatory and accrediting bodies . Legal and ethical implications for faculty who teach in the classroom, in clinical settings with students, and in clinical agencies in the role of Clinical Educator. The concept of due process for students and new nurses deemed unsafe in the clinical setting. The process for managing students and new nurses dishonest actions. How faculty can help students develop a professional attitude or demeanor. How faculty can utilize the faculty student relationship as a tool to support understanding of legal and ethical issues. Potential strategies for managing legal and ethical issues successfull. Answer: Introduction The present scenario of healthcare environment has a demand for nurses to meet the various patient needs. Legal and ethical issues may occur in various professional situations where the question of morality based on the wrongness and rightness may arise. Decision-making has to be done keeping in mind the patients beneficent care. Therefore, the legal and ethical decisions as they affect the nurses often take them through exhausting and stressful conditions of work. Nursing programs deal with the ethical and legal issues throughout the curriculum. Therefore, the clinical instructors have the responsibility to introduce the students to the ethical and legal issues. The present study deals with the subject that how the nurse educator would respond to the legal and ethical issues that one may encounter at the workplace. Responsibilities of nurse educators In the United States, there are fifty-two national and six regional agencies. There are also various other regulatory bodies for governing the legal issues of learning like American Nurses Association. The responsibility of the nurse educator lies with the fact that he needs to meet the standards of the regulatory and accreditation bodies during the curriculum of nursing. The students should get well aware of the goals and objectives of these bodies including the legal and ethical factors to get well prepared before entering the profession (ANA, 2010). The responsibilities of the nurse educator have been listed below. Implementing and developing the standards of accreditation for continuous improvement of the students through the education programs. Ensuring that the education programs meet the expectations of the profession for the legal and ethical requirements. Maintaining and developing the code of ethics for nursing. Maintaining and developing the standards and scope of nursing practice by the regulatory bodies (Altbach Knight, 2007). Development support for the nursing research and theory as laid down by the accreditation bodies for explaining the observations and guiding the practice of nursing. Explaining the requirements of education as needed for the professional practice. Defining the competence of professional role a nurse has to overcome, as one faces emergencies. Development of resources and programs for establishing the articulate of nurses accountability to the practice policy, society and governmental advocacy (, 2016). Legal and Ethical Implications The legal and ethical issues of nursing education are primarily based on the student, the faculty and the educational program. In the case of clinical settings and agencies, the legal and ethical issues of the site have also been brought into consideration. Faculty collects this information and to conform to the requirement of the clinical agencies for the implementation of the legal and ethical issues. The nursing educators pave the path for the future professional nurses from various settings and classrooms. The nurse educator should be able to define legally and describe the laws, both case and statutory, which governs the nursing education. The students and the faculty should share the governance. Academic freedom should be provided in the clinical and class settings. The faculty should build up a strategy to build up gaps between the educational syllabus and the professional settings. This will help to imply the ethical and legal issues effectively (Billings Halstead, 2013). Changes are happening in the nursing practice. Accordingly, there should be changes in the educational system as well. Ethical conducts generally do not undergo huge changes, but the legal issues can be modified. The ethical issues can be addressed by drawing real life situations and case studies whereas the legal issues can be explained by teaching from the various sources, dealing with the nursing law. The faculty should make a critical appraisal and systemic approach for the clinical conditions related to the ethical and legal issues. Setting examples of the faculty's expertise and experience, he can implement the issues among the students from various settings. However, the students of clinical settings and agencies are exposed to various types of data and their relative analysis can help the student to understand better the conditions of implementation (Berner, 2007). The classroom students can be benefitted by the case studies they undertake and implement the issues as per their understandings. These implementations help to develop the nursing skills of the students from various settings. Due Process for Students Due process is intended to assure that the rights of the students are respected as per the situation. Due process is of two types. The substantive due process deals with the determining the relation of the outcome, the degree of fairness in it, with the infraction. It is done to determine the whether the seriousness of the crime suits the punishment. The second type is a procedural due process. This provides the accused with the facility of receiving notice and an opportunity of being heard. It is based on the principle that decisions should be fair, nondiscriminatory and objective (Clark, 2008). The due process is employed when a student breaches or violates the code of the conduct of the nursing students. Any misconduct done is handled individually with the due process. Depending upon the severity of the misconduct, the punishment is delivered. However, the student is also given an opportunity for explanation of his misconduct, as per the rules of the litigation. The case is individually handled for application of the due process (Anselmi, Glasgow Gambescia, 2014). Unsafe Nurses in the Clinical Settings Nurses prone to disorders of substance use may be deemed as unsafe in the clinical settings. Their disorder may have a direct impact on their work and performance. Alternative programs have been designed to recover the nurses from the disorders of substance use or mental disorders. These programs help the nurses to be monitored and the risks of practice get reduced (Killam, Luhanga Bakker, 2011). It is the responsibility of the nurse educator to train up nurses for ultimate patient care. The legal and ethical responsibility involves the recognition of the signs and symptoms of unsafe practice, which might affect the safety of the patients in future (Grube, Piliavin Turner, 2010). Several observational tools can be implemented to monitor the unprofessional practice of the unsafe nurses in the clinical settings and separate them from other nurses (Luhanga et al., 2014). Managing Nursing Students and Dishonest Actions Nursing students and new nurses are expected to have an ethical and professional behavior, as the society has faith on them as competent providers of care. Unethical behavior and dishonesty include cheating and dishonest behaviors. Cheating in the academic career can be potentially disastrous as the nurse fails to gather requisite information regarding the safe care of human beings. This may lead to harm, suffering and even death of the patient (Suplee et al., 2008). Various strategies can be adopted to prevent dishonesty among the students and new nurses. The first strategy is the development of administrative policies. Academic policies may be created as the preventive measures. The legal department should review the contents of the document. These policies must be on display everywhere and at every possible accessible point. Consequences for repeated offenses should also be clearly mentioned. The faculty should well incorporate the behavioral expectations from the students (Killam et al., 2012). The second strategy is faculty development or education. These empower the faculty to address the dishonest behaviors in all setting types. Developing the assertiveness of the faculty in the environments of teaching is important so that he can have a control and strong monitoring of his class. The third strategy is setting up of the ground rules. Many times the dishonest behavior originates from the misinterpretation of the guidelines and grading of the assignments. Therefore, the faculty members should review the ground rules and display them in the syllabus in the clinical settings and classroom (Marshall, 2013). Development of Professional Attitude and Demeanor Nursing is much more than a series of skills and business activities. It is regarded as a part of socialization, which leads to the development and internalization of the identity as a nurse. The nursing profession is much concerned with the development of professional attitude and behavior. The faculty has many contributions to the development of the professional attitude (Mitchell, 2010). The program objectives are so designed that they aim at the development of the students. A few of the attitudes and demeanors have been discussed below. Dependability Nursing professionals are expected to be responsible and professional for carrying out the needs and duties. For this, the faculty must train them to be punctual and responsible towards their curriculum and assignments. Professional presentation The nurses should present themselves in such a way that is accepted by clients, employers and peers. For this, the faculty should develop a program for professional development of personality and train accordingly. Cooperation Teamwork is very essential in nursing. The nurses may require working in multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams. For this, the faculty should arrange group activities to develop this habit of teamwork. Clinical Reasoning The process of inquiry in the clinical practice of nursing is called clinical reasoning. Experience, knowledge and problem solving abilities are essential to encounter difficult and emergency situations. For this, the faculty should assign the students case studies to develop an estimation of the clinical reasoning in the profession of nursing (Griffiths et al., 2012). Faculty-Student Relationship The student faculty relationship is very important from the view of learning. The educational experience quality strongly depends on this relationship. This relationship helps in understanding the legal and ethical issues and helps in student success. Faculties in various settings face students whose learning needs and backgrounds are diverse. Therefore, it becomes very important to make them understand the legal and ethical issues (Priest et al., 2007). Developing a healthy relationship with them helps them to understand these issues and apply them professionally. The faculty should develop an environment of learning that encourages positive and collaborative faculty-student interactions. These will serve as an effective tool to develop strategies for active participations of students in understanding the legal and ethical issues (Hamric et al., 2013). Open communication with the students and application of learning activities helps in developing a student-faculty relationship. A positive relationship will facilitate better learning of the nursing curriculum (Ganske, 2010). Potential Strategies Professional nurses face many challenges in their practice. This challenge helps them to grow and contribute to the health of the society. However, several legal and ethical issues are faced by the nurses, which they have to manage strategically. Some of the potential strategies have been discussed below. Protecting the interests of the patient and ensuring quality care for nursing to the patients is an essential part of ethical management. The nurses should be provided more competence to face these ethical challenges to manage them. Using personal experience and values, patients rights and discussion with the management can be another potential strategy to manage the ethical issues (Marquis Huston, 2009). The legal issues can be managed by having a deep knowledge and understanding the nursing laws. In the case of a procedure for a patient, informed consent is essential. Potential legal risks can be managed and avoided if the signature is done before the procedure and everything is well documented (Park et al., 2014). Allegations of abuse should be managed by reporting them to the concerned authority. HIPAA laws should be well known by the nurses to manage problems regarding patient privacy. Medication errors and further litigation can be managed by having the correct knowledge of dosing and treatment regime (Furlong, 2008). References Altbach, P. G., Knight, J. (2007). 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